Change Log
GMare Beta (September 18, 2014)
- Select All (Ctrl + A) functionality for tiles and instances (Note: Will only select the entire layer in tile edit mode)
- The room can now be panned by clicking the middle mouse button and dragging the room around
- Double clicking an instance on the instance list opens the Script Editor
- Shortcut D key will toggle the editor layer effects now
- Optimize the brush rendering on selected tiles
- Altered viewport size to see entire selections correctly
Bugs Fixed:
- Opening a project when using tile metric for defining a room size will make the room size incorrect
- Room editor not updating when layer visibility is toggled, and it does not have focus
- Undo/Redo not setting the room tiles correctly when the background was/is changed
- Fixed offset issue with selection rectangle
- Using the hand tool lags horribly on Windows 8
- Issue with opening a project after importing a room from an image
- Issue importing a background with a tile size less than the default 16px